Moody’s Investors Services has reaffirmed eight out of the nine Malaysian banks’ deposit and debt ratings after
determining that the systemic support input for their ratings should be at the A1 level, which is two notches above the
country’s local currency government debt rating of A3. Moody’s said the banking system’s significant size, its expectations
that levels of credit stress faced by banks in the economic downturn would be manageable, and evidence of the government
demonstrating strong support in times of need underpinned the confirmation of eight of the nine Malaysian banks’ deposit and
debt ratings. Moody’s lowered CIMB Investment Bank Bhd’s local currency long-term/short-term issuer ratings to Baa1/P-2
from A3/P-1, while the foreign currency long-term/short-term issuer ratings were revised to Baa1/P-2 from A3/P-1. All ratings
carry a stable outlook. Malayan Banking Bhd’s (MAY MK, Buy, TP: RM6.40) local currency long-term deposit rating of A1, and
foreign currency Tier 1 capital securities rating of A3 were confirmed, but with a negative outlook. (Financial Daily)
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Hong Leong Bank Berhad (HLB) (HLBK MK, Hold, TP: RM5.80) has received a licence from the State Bank of Vietnam to
incorporate and operate a wholly-owned commercial bank in Vietnam by the name of Hong Leong Bank Vietnam Ltd
(HLBVN). HLB said yesterday HLBVN was incorporated on 9th July 2009 and that it had received the Business Registration
Certificate issued by the Business Registration Division, Ho Chi Minh Department and Investment, Vietnam on 17th July 2009.
(Financial Daily)
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